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May 22, 2019
Is Spray Tanning Bad for You?
Because UV rays from the sun and tanning beds are so harmful to your skin, tanning alternatives such as self tanner are popular. Spray...

May 19, 2019
Sunscreen Ban in Miami Beach: Latest News and Updates
You may have seen the recent news stories regarding the proposed ban of certain sunscreens that contain specific ingredients that have...

May 19, 2019
Does SPF in Makeup and Moisturizers Work?
Streamlining your busy morning routine by using a foundation or moisturizer that contains SPF might sound like a great idea, but does...

Apr 30, 2019
A Review of Prescription Rosacea Therapies
Although we still do not have a cure for rosacea and are still learning more about this common inflammatory skin disease, there are now a...

Apr 22, 2019
Can You Use $5 Horse Paste to Treat Rosacea?
Due to mounting costs of prescription medications and hefty copays, some patients are now looking for creative ways to treat their skin...

Apr 18, 2019
Does Menopause Affect Rosacea?
Hormonal fluctuations can have a significant impact on your skin, especially with regard to inflammatory skin diseases like rosacea ....

Apr 15, 2019
Is Stress a Trigger for Rosacea?
In a recent survey from the National Rosacea Society , 79 percent of rosacea patients named emotional stress as one of the top causes of...

Apr 11, 2019
Can Cannabis Treat Skin Disease?
The legalization of marijuana (cannabis) in certain states has sparked much debate about the potential uses of cannabis and its...

Apr 8, 2019
Does Coffee Help or Hurt Rosacea?
If you struggle with rosacea – an inflammatory skin condition that causes red, warm flushing of the skin – you have probably been told to...

Apr 1, 2019
Which Foods Help and Hurt Bruising?
Bruising is a common side effect following some in-office skin treatments, such as injectable fillers, Kybella™, BOTOX®, and...
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